Uno Broker

Insurance is the primary way for businesses and individuals to reduce the financial impact of a risk situation. Insurers are closely monitored to make sure they always have enough money to pay all their claims. That's why at UNO BROKER we represent internationally renowned companies to protect our clients' interests.


Life insurance is a way to protect your loved ones in the event of your death. If you have people who depend on you financially, such as a spouse, children, elderly parents or any other family member, life insurance can provide them with peace of mind knowing that they will be protected in case something happens to you.


Las coberturas en seguros para enfermedades graves son una protección financiera diseñada para ayudar a cubrir los costos asociados con el diagnóstico y tratamiento de condiciones médicas críticas


With health insurance, you can get the medical care you need without having to worry about the costs and be better prepared to face any health problem you may face and have access to top quality treatments to restore you and your family's health in a timely manner when it is most needed.


Si usted no puede trabajar debido a una enfermedad o lesión cubierta, un plan de protección de ingresos provee dinero para ayudar con la pérdida de ingresos Independientemente de su ingreso o presupuesto tenemos un plan de protección de ingresos que cubrirá sus necesidades


Un seguro de accidentes personales es una póliza en la que la aseguradora cubre económicamente a una persona que sufrió un accidente que resultó en muerte o invalidez.


Antes de viajar es importante contratar un seguro de viaje que ofrezca la protección necesaria a aquellos viajeros. Para ello, te ofrece su seguro para viajeros que te protegerá ante imprevistos leves o incluso emergencias médicas de alto impacto medico.

Uno Broker

 UNO BROKER LATINOAMERICA has been offering innovative health, life and disability plans to the international market for more than 20 years.


Under trusted names worldwide, we represent leading companies to work together to protect the interests of multiple clients over the years.

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